Saturday, April 7, 2012

At Dusk

At dusk on the stoops
Mothers broken, buried
Beneath babes too many
Weary to the marrow
Of their souls, hum songs
Bloody sorrowful songs

Staggering from the drink
Or their latest addiction
Crying over another mate
Gone to the store
For smokes
For good
And another bun in the oven
Same old story
It's destiny



  1. Oh dear. It seems most of us went down the slopes with the words this week.
    Great imagery and, use of the prompt words though:)

  2. I once worked with a gal who had three children from three different fathers. Some are lucky though when the last man stays and loves them all...mother and children. Though that is the exception. Well wordled.
    Even 'I' went down a darker road...

  3. Dark, and unfortunately all too real sometimes. Nicely done, Sharon.


  4. Well crafted...I like the voicem of the piece. My favorite are the last two lines of the first stanza.

  5. And a sad destiny it is indeed.

  6. a sad state, too often true. Excellent wordle

  7. Love the flow of these lines:

    Gone to the store
    For smokes
    For good

    Nice work, Sharon.

  8. Well Sharon, I guess we both did not see, hopeful. However, I love this poem; such a sad truth.

  9. Oddly enough, dusk is one of my favourite times of day ... but these words seemed to lend themselves to a peculiar bit of darkness only ... oh well ... thanks for coming by and reading, dropping a line or two - I appreciate it.

  10. Oops - I see I never did get back here - not to thank those of you who came here and kindly read and made comments and certainly not to write something more positive ...
